SESSION 3 : Énergies marines renouvelables
Bloch Noam, Moreau Martin, Germain Grégory, Maurice Guillaume
Experimental study of bathymetry variation effects on a cross-flow water turbine
Shariff Kabir Bashir, Guillou Sylvain
An empirical wake model accounting for velocity deficit and turbulence intensity in a simple tidal park
Kahn Bernardo, Pascal Rémy
Numerical Model Development of the SEATURNS concept,
Goy Arthur, Mercier Philippe, Guillou Sylvain
Study of the turbulence generated by a complex seabed and potential effects on a tidal turbine
Combret Thomas, Santa Cruz Alina, Hadri Ferhat, Guillou Sylvain
Etude expérimentale de l'écoulement généré par un obstacle de fond en zone à haute vitesse